Wednesday 23 April 2014

Rainbow Ripple

Well after yesterday's grey and drizzly start it did brighten up later and so did my spirits as I shrugged off the first cold I have had in years with a bit of Rainbow Ripple magic!

As you can see my Rainbow Ripple blanket is growing! I must confess it would grow much faster if I didn't keep succumbing to the temptation to try different colour combinations, doing, undoing and redoing a few rows until I get a combination I like!! Well I've given up on that now, and on my apparent need for symmetry, and have decided to just let it evolve in its own randomly glorious way!

I confess to be totally addicted to rippling now tho'! This is the first time I've done ripples, inspired by the talented Lucy at Attic 24 whose wonderful tutorial I followed to get me going. You can find it here. The thing is, patterns are all well and good and I've got lots of beautiful, inspiring crochet books but my dear mum Margaret taught me by showing me how to do it. So, although I can follow quite complex patterns, especially in knitting, with crochet my first instinct when learning or trying something new is I have to see it, then translate it into the language of a pattern. Which is why I so love tutorials like Lucy's on Attic 24.

The first couple of rows were a bit tricky but only because of the need to count chains and work the pattern out - and working the first row of trebles etc into a row of chain stitches is always a bit fiddly! But then, once the foundation rows were in place, I was off! There is something very therapeutic about watching those glorious waves of colour appear..........

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